The story line was ok, 2 sisters get involved with the president's kid as babysitters and I think she's 7 or so. Author only mentioned age about 3/4 way thru the book. The girl witnesses murders and withdraws into herself in a comatose condition. AND YET she is never fed. Not thru the entire novel. Only one time it was mentioned that someone brought her food. HOW DID THEY FEED HER? She's comatose for cryin' out loud. Never could deal with that aspect of the story. She should have starved to death less than half way thru the novel. No liquids either. No IV. NOTHING.
Otherwise we have girls with double S names; CaSSie, MeliSSa, JeSSica. How the hell did that happen? Trippin'? I think writer was on something when the book was written JMO.
One of the double S girls dies (Jessica), she has a sister, (Cassie) who takes over watching the kid named of course Cassie. They seem to communicate mentally while the girl is unconcious throughout the novel. Plus one of the guys can also do the same thing. It's kind of a trippy novel if you ask me.
Serious meds must be involved.
I was soso on the book. Of course girl gets strong and takes over everything and handles a gun like a pro saving her boyfriend. They fly off in a helicopter (thank god she's not flying it) and end of the story pretty much.
President gets his kid back not in a coma, he's kind of a dirty rotten scoundrel wheeling and dealing with killers and people like that. He's not a GOOD guy in any sense of the word. If she didn't write it in 2001 I would immediately think tRump. But not.