A former agent named Sloane during this adventure is rekindling her sexual relationship with a boyfriend in the FBI Derek who she thinks abandoned during her last struggle with a killer when she got her hand chopped up by a knife.
This story is about some deluded idiot no one of course can even guess who he is, he also leaves prints everywhere and kills Asian prostitutes, I think he's been arrested before which would put his stats online and he'd have been found quicker. Meantime he's collecting women by kidnapping them to bring with his dying mother to Mt Olympus (in his crazy-ass head) and Sloane is going with them all. With all her kick ass FBI training she gets subdued and abducted even with a FBI agent protecting her. Nice job guys.
It was interesting enough most of the time to continue reading, there were a few spots you wondered why they didn't pursue stuff, or be more aggressive in their questioning. They sort of accepted everything anyone said without grilling anyone at all. Obviously a loner living with a dying mother in the middle of murders and kidnapping should be first priority. Anyone would think so if they read mysteries. Oh yeah I was really disturbed about a techie getting killed when the murderer had no idea what info he was developing and he never even tried to get the answer or try to shut down the computer that was searching for him via input by the dead guy. All the stuff was done, they were only waiting for a response. So stupid killer just bypassed that computer and killed the guy for no reason. DUH.
Otherwise I'd think it was worth buying.
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