Sunday, December 1, 2013

CHRISTIAN NATION by Frederic C. Rich ****

The premise of the book: McCain won the election not Obama and McCain's running mate was of course, the crude and unsophisticated dullard Sarah Palin. So sometime after the election McCain passes way in Russia and Sarah, speaking like an idiot, tries to get the body back to the US without success.

Since Sarah is so ignorant about politics, (but very up on slaughtering wolves from helicopters) she needs help in the oval office so some evangelical clown moves in to help her. Another 9/11 type event (much worse also w/planes) occurs prior to her re-election but in the meantime she calls out the national guard, declares martial law and tries to eliminate at first the Muslims who caused the calamity then more people get in front of her gun. She either ships them where ever they choose to go or imprisons them I guess. She thinks God is pissed off and says we DESERVED the planes that crashed recently because we are ungodly and ignoring his commandments, which have now become more important than the constitution. The bible begins to rule over laws.

She pretty much, with her evangelicals, declares that we are America the Christian Nation, she has no clue about history and as other dumb super-religious people she believes dinosaurs and humans both occupied the same space at the same time. She inflitrates schools and eliminates Muslim teachings, begins a campaign of hatred of gays, atheists, and non believers and begins to allow states to decide if they want prayer in their schools and this is almost like Animal Farm without the animals. She makes abortion illegal, along with gays (sodomy in the bible).

It's very dry and long narrative language. I had a very difficult time getting 'into' it at all. I do believe yes; this can happen in America because of fear, stupidity (dumbing down of Americans) and lack of knowledge by the general public. There are laws already in place that could hasten this scenario and no one has protested loud enough to stop these laws from taking place. I really got sick of the narration, explanations, details etc. I think it's a good book for anyone interested in history, Christianity, dominance and influence of evangelicals on our system but I couldn't finish it. Sorry Fred, it was too much information not enough character. I had to re-read paragraphs over and over to understand them because my bored mind tended to wander away from the book. But I think it's a good book for people to read.

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