Sunday, April 6, 2014

BLEEDING EDGE by Thomas Piynchon *

The cover made this sound like  a good book. I'm sure the author didn't write it cuz his writing is boring as watching snails race. On page 66 you are forced to read about the "waiter, whose credits include a couple of Sopranos episodes, recognizing this for what it is, stands by, trying not to roll his eyes too much." Well I hope they don't roll all the way across the US. If this is a sentence helping move you forward in the story (every sentence should do that) then I hate his writing.

I was bored to near death, I felt like I couldn't even figure out what the story line was about due to all the side tracking and intense descriptions of every action or past history of everyone. BLAH.

Didn't finish it not intriguing enough for me. Keep your day job.

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