Thursday, April 30, 2015

The PERFECT WITNESS by Iris Johansen *

I spent my time (wastefully) reading this book. I only made it to 50 pages. There is never ending repetition like you're a stupid idiot reader who can't process information and retain it. It's about some kid who could read people's memories and she's about I think 16. So her mom screws a "don" and gets anything she wants cuz she's so fucking beautiful. So the kid is saved by a mysterious stranger and they discuss ad nauseam about her stupid ass power of reading people's memories. I mean this is 50 pages of going over it and over it and over it. You can just tell this guy who killed 3 men to save her is about 40 and at some ridiculous point going to marry her in the future.

I don't like this book I stopped reading at 50 pages cuz it bored the crap out of me. If you're under 25 you probably will like it. If you're over 25 you probably will think it's boring.

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