Wednesday, February 17, 2016

CHILDREN OF PARANOIA by Trevor Shane ****

I liked most of the story but there were niggling irritations that bugged me thru the entire thing. First off a secret group of people are good vs evil but you'll never know who is who. That's minor irritation #1. This doesn't seem like a well thought out story to me, at all.

There are these 2 groups of people hiding in the public; I think perhaps they are related (each group) and for some unknown reason (irritation #2) you'll never know why the fuck they're at war with each other. There are theories proposed and myths since this has been going on for generations, probably so thinned out after hundreds of years they aren't truly related any longer.

The war has rules. This is a really stupid part of the novel because really...rules? In a war? WTF?  Rule one is no one is killed under 18 yo, after that they're fair game. No killing innocent bystanders. Third rule is you can't have kids till you're 18 or the child is handed to the other "side". How do these stupid war people know about every birth in the world and why hand their own babies over to murderers who will teach their own children to murder? Please tell me that author. How can they stop stuff they'll never know? The claim is without rules is chaos and believe me it's already chaos.

How pure are the bloodlines after hundreds of years? Not frickin' very. If it wasn't so intriguing an idea I would have tossed it aside because you learn basically. NOTHING! About anyone. You learn NOTHING. About why there's a war. You learn NOTHING. About why this b.s. is still ongoing, supposedly they have had truces before but the other side reneged. Why? They must be the stupid group. Mostly it's kids who have lost family members to the  other side eager to kill the murderers. So if there are no murderers any longer it would ease off and stop.

So STORYLINE generally sucks. There are likable characters, ok action scenes and you puzzle your way thru hoping at some point an answer will tumble out of someone's frickin' mouth but that never happens. My bad, so sorry....Not quite enough information for 5 stars.

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