Sunday, March 13, 2011


This mystery starts out a little hard to get into. Lots of characters, some with pasts. Involves reincarnation stories. This particular book is about old sculpture being stolen more than once in past history up to now. Some people want to protect it, others want to get secret items that delve more into reincarnation from it. Blackmail, FBI, art theft, painters, love, all under the cover. Took me 100 pages to really be interested in the novel/characters. The names are difficult in some cases to say, remember and she varies between first and last.

Some strangeness with people having relationships while being overtaken by some other spirit or sharing bodies, or knowing their 1,500 yr old past and remembering or dreaming about it. Sort of a narrow view of life everafter repeating things over and over thousands of years with the same people.

I'm not done yet and I wouldn't say it's a page turning thrill a minute but it's interesting enough most of the time to continue on. I wouldn't go looking for other similar books, this isn't what I usually enjoy reading.

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