I really gave it everything I could. I read more than half. Some girl sees some guy giving blowjobs to a candidate wannabe (not president or he'd not be in this rinky dink town -or book to begin with). So suddenly the blowee Dennis turns up dead. The rest of it is mostly threats to our alcoholic smoking over sexual heroine Maureen from Mr. Candidate-Sebastian. For seeing a blowjob in a bar? WTF? Now suddenly there are tapes which are being hidden around which she never knew about until the big "THREAT" occurred. Also there are over stuffed bras, skimpy clothing.....o it's so hard to tell a guy is writing this, whoda thunk?
I don't know why some candidate is trying to intimidate or threaten Maureen over a blowjob and I read far enough into this crap to have been told of another reason if there is one by now. Cuz now it's too fuckin' late and I don't care anymore. I have been bored with her moving around from her friends house, her friend's boyfriends house, her moms house, her car, someone else's car, the bar, someone elses bar. Her make believe tough girl attitude who calls the cops anytime she sees a shadow. This has taken me days on end to read also. Slow, monotonous, boring and I just don't have time for this shit when I have other books.
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