I'm not and never will be a fan of people who are being tortured throughout a movie or book by bad guys. The entire story ends for me at the beginning. Most everyone dies cept maybe one survivor so why bother wasting my time. It also frustrates me how stupid the author turns people. Like a brilliant brain surgeon would NOT behave like this one. He would of course research boating, take boating lessons even with family members, know which boat to buy for his needs, know everything there is to know about sailing before throwing his family aboard one and heading out to Burmuda. When a more experienced boater friend (in his own boat) says a storm is ahead and he is cutting the trip short this brilliant surgeon would NOT risk his nor his family's life by continuing on. Not reality.
But say I believed that. What is stopping him from telling his friend later approaching his boat about the killers on his boat and to turn around and get the hell away from there no matter what he thinks he can do to help. Gonna die anyway, scream at them to leave. Instead he got another family murdered. He was a wasteful hunk of flesh during the entire novel and if that's what the author thinks a 'man' is I hope he's wrong. Especially I believe the author had fun kicking the doctor's ass because he's a weekend sailor, I'm sure Mr. author is a proficient boater but no doctor, no man would be as wimpy and pathetic as the one described in this story. Only an alcoholic idiot would behave like the coward the doctor is portrayed as.
I guess the authors' vision of naked women submitting (or not) to drunk asshole kidnappers is a fun chapter or two, and was his big thrill. The killers were disgusting, dehumanized, filthy drunks who probably couldn't even get it up. And it would be more than simple to shove each one overboard. Talk about sad stories this one is right up there.
A supposed raped and degraded teenage female isn't even smart enough to save herself. A dead corpse tells her how to sink the boat and live. So phd's are worthless as humans, women are stupid, and only men (dead corpses) can save one. Apparently.
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