Teen monster story. A teen hero (16) with friends who all own their own cars, which BTW are driveable even after being smashed and crashed. This is part of a series, part 3 I think. Very repetitive on the sociopath info. Sort of a Dexter wannabe but a bumbling idiot teenager.
He "sees" bad spirits or whatever he calls them in people and is all too ready to slaughter everyone with very little proof. Then he finds- in a corpse -a thick ashy gooey substance the frickin cop forensic investigator missed (right) and decided THAT was the invader of normal people. What we don't ever get explained is if the goo is in the dead body how did it move into another body without taking itself? Why bother explaining that to a teenage reader? So he's a killers killer trying to find all the guilty murderers.
Some stuff you read: Teenagers slashing their wrists plus a guy stabbing other people then sticking poles in their shoulders like flags and stabbing them over 50 times AND a bullet wound to the head, hands and tongues removed. None of which was explained to my satisfaction. He caught both killers, and of course his mum got the ashy goo in herself, ran into a burning car and died the death of a hero. Don't make the mistake of thinking the hero "John Cleaver" is the hero because he seems just as likely to kill his friends for no reason as to kill someone deserving. He seems very psychotic.
He has "dreams" of embalming his girl'friend'. Real normal reading for a teen. Very social misfit who thinks he's only killing to rid the world of monsters. Give me S.King at least he sets better examples. Good is good. Bad is bad. No in between. Didn't find it "Brilliant" altho "creepy" is a nice description on the cover.
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