Should be labeled fictional-fantasy. The dream in someone's head um....from beyond. This one was a fast reader, but so confusing you have no idea what day it is, never mind what year, or what place, or what anything. All the things a good story is composed of: who, what, when, where and why are all disappeared for your reading enjoyment. That makes it NOT A STORY.
Some of the who's are dead ones, the when is never really a solid answer, where is all over the map and back again, and why is why the hell is this put together pretending it's a story? It ain't.
Hated the flashbacks, Hated the repetitions. Same shit over and over again. Didn't like all the death and destruction. For that matter if they just let the wife die; according to the many little story lines, more than 30 people would still be alive. What is really there and what is not really there?
Good questions grasshopper!
I wanted to read more only because I liked his style of writing IF IT MADE SENSE I may have actually liked it. I didn't like the many many story lines which became confusing-er and confusing-er as pages went on. More than half the time I had no idea WTF was going on or to whom or why. Or if it was real or a dream or vision or drug induced coma.
Personally I didn't like anything about it by the end. Hated it. I was frustrated and fed up with the whole thing. Go twist someone else's nipple. I don't even recommend getting it at the library. Don't touch it.
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