Friday, January 2, 2015

REVIVAL by Stephen King ****

Ok, reason not a 5 star is due to religion all throughout the book. For some reason horror novels always end up religious--good vs bad. This one was sort of an eerie afterlife so it wasn't all what most religious crap is about, it gives a different perspective. After reading it you sure don't want to die. LOL

He makes the books easy reading most of the time, people have character and are different which isn't easy to do. I don't know why the main character believes he was fated to become attached to this older reverand but I guess that's what makes this a King book. I don't think anyone in real life thinks that way. I sure don't want to have S.King's dreams. No thanks.

I would get it at the library but if too many people have it reserved I wouldn't hesitate to buy it if you like King.

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