Tuesday, September 15, 2015

WHAT YOU LEFT BEHIND by Samantha Hayes *

Barely understandable English writer bullshit. Poorly written, too many characters related to each other, entire families, there is no common thread to follow. Teenagers seemingly commit suicide which you never know is true or not. One dad kills his son for being gay and then kills the guy he was having sex with. Meantime Mr. Hypocrite is screwing a  married woman nearby and ruins their marriage but stays married and has his own bedroom at home. WTF???

There are people with the same first letter in their name just thrown in to confuse you along with some idiot named Gil who's brain is up his asshole. Apparently he draws well and sees "everything" no one else does. What a load of shit. So Lorraine, Lana, Lenny and all the other L's along with the Freddy, Franks and beans I really can't tell you throughout the book who I thought I was reading about. Sometimes it's first person but you have no clue who that is which brings me to the ending.

"Someone" we are NEVER NEVER told WHO ties Freddy (a teen) up like a hanging on top of bales of hay "him" whoever the fuck THAT is. Was it the guy who he ran into after escaping Gil's? Frank? Who? Am I supposed to guess with little tiny snippets of NO information it was the same father who killed his son for being gay? WHAT? I'm stumped. Never never do  you ever know who hung the stupid ass kid up on the hay bales. Is it the same person who writes suicide notes for motorcycle accidents? I don't get it. The girl who was his girlfriend, was that Jo? Was it the homeless girl? Was it Lana? I am so confused. I hate this book, I hate that I wasted days sorting people and trying to get a line on WTF is going on. Bullshit story, bullshit writer and I despise English writers, I'll never pick up another book by one again. This just rips me.

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