I was reading this and had no idea what was taking me so long but I realized it was the monotonous descriptions of everything. Pg 55 we are uploaded too much information about a bar, it's good enough to say he walked into a bar in Reno. I don't need a full picture of that. Page 60 boring talking about people with names. Not their 'real' names but their nicknames. I don't GAS about nicknames, just call the guy Shorty and stop explaining why he's called that.
Page 84 a lot about some small guy shoveling snow..big whoop more descriptions next page. Lots of characters described, the author thinks he is tongue in cheek humorous but I really don't get that at all. In the beginning some guy riding a motorcycle gets hit by a semi and it seems to be intentional but then it rambles so much I can't stand it. It takes until chapter 5 or so before the head is found. I'm more interested in the police work, not the fact some cop thinks it was intentional. Two cops hate each other and internal dialogue about this is boring as shit. Personally I picked up Dexter is Dead and shoved this book over and today it goes back to the library. Not interested in finishing it.
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