Thursday, April 14, 2016

RED TIDE by Jeff Lindsay *****

Well as expected a great read, book is too small wanted MORE MORE MORE. This is a story with Billy Knight in it, I suppose a new character replacing Dexter. The book is good, takes it slow and easy in the beginning then speeds on to the end. There is romance, voodoo, pythons large enough and trained to kill, of course for fights all the fists flying,  knives, guns whatever can be picked up.

I would recommend it to anyone that likes murder mysteries, or mysteries. This is pretty much about how people save all their money to come to America from Haiti and are tricked into the water by a false skyline so most of them drown in the ocean and the captain makes quite a lot of money NOT delivering the 'product' which would be illegals. Liked it plenty. Buy or rent. Up 2 U.

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