Thursday, June 21, 2012

BONNIE by Iris Johansen

Difficult to follow with chasing thru woods, fog, anything to thwart the progress of the chase. So there are like 5 people who can't find one person a little bit ahead of them who is thoughtful enough to hide a boat and car for his getaway. Most of this crap I don't get at all. Supposedly Eve Duncan's daughter disappeared a long time ago and WHAT MOTHER would assume that she was murdered without a shred of proof? Who? Who? No blood, no body, no clothing found, no weapon found. NOTHING. She just assumes she's dead. There isn't a real life mother who would not hold out hope for a live child somewhere out there waiting to come home except this one. So meantime her and her crew of kiss asses are out chasing suspects.
I can't read it. Sorry. To misdirecting, too red herring. Too much of I just don't care. Not interesting enough.

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