Friday, November 16, 2012

The DOG STARS by Peter Heller *****

Don't read this if you're a wussy crybaby. That's the first thing people whine at me about my book Backyard Dog, "is it gonna make me cry?" For shit's sake if you go inside someone else's head for awhile reading an author's vision and version of life who knows where it's going to take you. Maybe you'll cry, so what, will it kill you? Probably not.

Books are meant to take you out of YOUR comfy little life into some special meaningful other world inside the writer's head. If you're scared to cry don't read books.

So the world had a catastrophic illness and most everyone died (you may now begin to cry) and this man Hig, his dog Jasper and a guy Bangley hang around living in a fortified airport area. They pretty much kill anyone stepping foot in their territory and have lots of guns and grenades etc. (keep crying wussy asses). There's some boring areas about day to day chores, how they live, and what Hig thinks about stuff. But his wife and unborn baby got sick and died (go hoo) and passed away before this story starts but the deaths are still inside him and make him deeply melancholy. Actually Hig is like me with a terrible hole inside no one on earth can fill or fix.

So as Hig, Bangley and little old Jasper run around scrounging and being pals and sleeping under the stars at night and killing everyone who moves...the wittle doggy dies. (Oh my you widgets -are you crying again?) This makes his sadness even deeper because now he has no reason to care or live and has a deathwish that Bangley will accidently shoot him when he returns from hunting someday. Bangley believes in shoot first - don't ask questions.

Now, since they live in an airport hangar, figure out anything yourself yet? Yes! Hig can fly a plane and has an operable one. So after Jasper passes away he just wants to go. Anywhere. No particular reason. Someplace he's destined to run out of gas; for the hell of it. He dreads living without anyone meaningful in his life, he already lost his family and now his dog. Who can lose a dog without wanting to die with it??

On his air travel he then meets some people and the rest you read for yourself and cry your wittle tears to sleep at night. I loved the story minus the boring areas and think you should be forced to read it. Don't forget your tissues. Weak-kneed, spineless, losers. At least all wussies die in the story from the illness no WAY weak-kneed crybabies survive, hahahahahahahha.

I would pay for this one. Loved it. It made me cry more than once.

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