There are some things I liked, others I didn't. Writer called all men by last names, all women by first. One guy's last name was Christie so you keep thinking it's a female one female's name is Fredricka or Fred so geez confusing in that regard.
Then there are the phones, the killed girl has a phone everyone knows her phone number all they have to do to find it is GPS it. But do they ever? Nope. Otherwise they'd have found it buried where the killer put it or even caught it on his person before he buried it.
This is about a guy running for I think governor and all the people around him kill his girlfriend so Mr. Married Gov doesn't get a bad rep for screwing her and all the girls he's screwed. Besides that the wife is cheating too and they barely tolerate each other for the most part.
I didn't like the plethora of names, people and back and forth. At one point I'm reading along having no clue who the hell I'm reading about. No name till like the next page. Very irritating.
Very early on they arrest some "slow" guy and send him to jail for awhile until the other detectives don't think he did it. The original guys who put him in jail do not get demoted or kicked off the force and they had virtually no evidence against him. They questioned him to death and to get food and sleep he says yeah he did it. Coerced confession. Not good police work IMO.
So not too bad a storyline, told herky jerky back and forth from one scene to another yanking you around but basically ok for a library find. Feel bad giving 4 stars, it's between 3-4. The writing is ok, the jerking me back and forth I hated.
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