I'm on page 306 and bored to death with repetitious Mayan history. A female gets invited to help a guy Hamilton and he suddenly disappears. She calls her friends in to help her find him or whatever her "mission" for being in Mexico is.
All we get is one damn history after another about the Spanish, the Mexicans, the Maya and everyone in between but we never have a clue where Hamilton is.
In the meantime some chick kidnapped a common Mexican kidnappers 2 children and tried to make money at it while all her men but maybe one gets killed, the kids are dumped out of cars and alive but the father I believe is dead. So what the fuck has this got to do with missing Hamilton or more history crap?
I'm sick and tired of all the repeat Mayan lessons. If I wanted to get more info on them I'd get a history book thanks very much Chris.
Otherwise the main story is going NOPLACE very fast. Bored to tears. Could easily drop this for any other book at any time. Waste of paper and even he said it best on page 302 "Lets get back to the artifacts (never got a real description yet of ONE of them). Otherwise we just wasted an hour of daylight on a history lesson that could have waited." Make that hours and hours of daylight and multiple boring lessons that were unnecessary to the main focus of the novel.
Every WORD should be aiming towards and contribute to the main story and it's ending. Not in this novel. page filller, more page filler, more page filler,......SNORE.......
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