Well, I'm not a fan. I'm on page 133 and nothing much is happening. There are a lot of people and I can't keep up with them all. Personalities aren't that distinct. Apparently there's some kind of horse race up hills and this girl is with her friend on her friends second horse. Believe me explaining this is difficult. You're supposed to be able to summarize a novel in a few sentences but I can't do that with this confusing mess of people and their odd relationships.
Who on earth would call a main character TINK? Did she tinkle her pants a lot as a child? Is she a Tinkerbell fan? What? I do think she's been married 2x to some guy and now married to another guy and his business and their 'sons' business has something to do with him. I don't know. I'm about as confused as I get reading this boring crap. I can't take it anymore and I struggled to get to page 133 out of 276 pages. I read a lot of it thinking 'it'll get better as I go along'. Never happened.
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