Monday, April 5, 2010

FIRE AND ICE by J.A, Jance ***

A mystery and not too bad. The only disruption is sometimes there are so many names of characters on a page I need a score card. She also breaks up the action, right in the middle of something to introduce some past crap I don't really need. This is sort of a series I guess with 2 major characters involved. I can't really tell for a few minutes which one's persona she's skipping back and forth from and to as she only has little chapter marks leaving you to figure out where you are, who you're with and whether you GAS or not.

I skip over a lot of descriptive intrusive pages of stuff, usually about past occurances- otherwise she's readable. The characters are quirky but sort of up-tight mid westerners. Like saying 'hell' is a bad word.

Someone who reported a crime was suddenly labeled a 'perp' for whatever reason. Some writers (this one) have the characters jump to mental places you don't see coming. Like you have a crime, then the character, without rhyme or reason, absolutely knows when and how it was done but there are (in the readers head -cuz we're smarter) about 12 other possibilities but this writer isn't going there. Linear thinking.

I guess if you picked it up to read you wouldn't be sorry, it's a fair read by a popular writer who sticks to her routine. The only drawback is all the unnecessary narrative explanations:
Made up example: "A gunshot went off in the alley. This alley is where three other murders took place four years ago and where Fred's maternal grandmother was a witness. She had just lost her shirt in a poker game and was standing there alone when approached by the killer. She escaped by hiding in a garbage can. She was eventually put into the witness protection program and Ditzy Mahew hadn't seen her since. Blahblahblah and the bullet missed Ditzy by a foot and a half."

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