Thursday, April 1, 2010

JUMP by Tim Maleeny ***

I'm about halfway thru this one already and a well hated landlord jumps, or more likely is shoved, out the top floor window where a recently retired cop lives on the same floor. He's now busy interviewing his floor mates. His wife died a couple yrs ago and he's astoundingly STUPID for a cop about any of his neighbors. It's like he was blind all the time he lived there until now. He has no awareness that any of them existed before.

Aside from the STUPID BLIND police officer (usually known for their observation skills) the writing flows well, the characters are easily distinguished altho all women have watermelon sized boobs, and flip off their shirts when he walks into the room or sing to him and want to bed him immediately. No wonder there are so many venereal diseases. 

So there's the sultry singer, the 2 "soft" porno queens making their way thru doctorates (HAHAHA....right), the creepy drug dealing brothers, another creepy guy blackmailing the creepy drug dealers and people out to take out other people. It isn't the best book I ever read even without all the Barbies but it's not atrocious either. 

Let ya know more when I'm over it. It was ok nothing special. 

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