Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The EX MRS. HEDGEFUND by Jill Kargman *

If you GAS about Sex & the City or chick lit you might like this but I detest those and this book. This rich broad who drops name brands like an ad exec sees her husband kissing someone and they're getting divorced. The entire novel is all MeMeMeMeMe. Entitlement much? Babies in limos dropped at day care? WTF?

Names: Kiki, Sherry, Petri (like the dish), Miles<--her kid. The jokes are old and tired, I think most come from Jack Benny. Dusted off mummies.

She writes "'I beg your pardon' I had never uttered that phrase in my life (it seemed so old school)" yet she refers to women as gals as if they are cartons of milk. Gals? Really? How ancient are you, old crone? She also uses "gussying up" so this must be a western- giddyup. Fer shore!

Honestly not much about main asshole Holly's marital relationship before the divorce, some referrals mostly to husband Tim's financial status as PIG and hers as PAID FOR. So when the divorce comes I can only imagine the tears being shed are dimes falling from her tear ducts. Shallow Hal pales in comparison. I shall continue reading and see if it gets worse. So far it's all marshmallow fluff for dollars.

Here's an example of her superficial take on life in general: I could wallow in self pitying misery till the Crypt Keeper giggled (WTF?) ....or I could buck up and jump back into life (like she took time off). Cliche overbearing crap.

And so her mortification went on until the end of the paragraph where she is cured of her divorced situation.

In one breath she castigates blondes showing a chart about how slutty they are the blonder they get when she just dyed hers BLONDER! LOL STUPID ass.
It all reads like it's "tell" not "show" so much blahblahblah inane empty headed bleach blonde ruminations. YAWN.

Don't like it much. I only blog so I don't write INSIDE the books my frustration at having to put up with so much SHIT! I am always so tempted to scribble in the books and they come from the library, they would fine me. Blog, blog instead of rewriting the book on the pages. This one would be delete delete delete.

I'm reading along and this is supposed to be set in 2006 but Kiki goes out dressed 'chic' in fishnet, short mini dress and thigh high boots...Twiggy (1967?), is that you? Then they pound on someone else for dressing old fashioned in St. John knitwear whatever that crap is.

She seemed like a "chill boss", even if she had a "tough-cookie" vibe; my "gut" was that she was a "straight shooter". Whatever!! Cliche-girl. AND cutesy word inventor...Jill liked BranJolina so much she copulates all her words together like STARachitect....GET OUT!!!! True! True.....sadly, miserably, cutesily, true.
Do not bother with this one unless you are a material girl, star fucker wannabe. HOW the FUCK did she get published? Ohhhhhh fuck......who tho?

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