Tuesday, May 4, 2010


The book has several chapters separated by narrator. There's quite a few people doing diary style chapters.

This guy was dating a girl and 3 months later he asked her to marry him but before the wedding (a month later) she and his brother fell in love. Panties don't say on these characters for long. Now everyone is a happy family. RRRIIIGGGHTTT!

And in one scene he asks a total stranger on a date and she gives him the hairy eyeball when his limo drops her off at a condo. He thinks she wants to screw him.
Like I said, everyone's pants go flying into the air. He ignores her! HA

It's about stem cells etc and some chapters are about a court case, others about people outside the court spewing their garbage on both sides of the topic over and over again. It gets very tedious between court, outside it, the justifications of the main character and his brother. I am sick of all the stem cell back and forth -really had enough. I'm less than half thru the book.

I am now skipping over the court chapters because they bore me. The only interesting part is the 3-way relationship because somehow this author thinks 3 months is fine for falling in love and marrying for all of them without any comedy in between. I'm very amused by this crap.

Don't really like it, can't wait to see if the newly married couple sent to some war torn starving country ends up dead or alive at the end. Not rooting for anyone here.

I'm surprised the author has a scientific background because the experiments here are way off. It's about regrowing tissue, like an arm etc. So they experiment on some small hogs and monkeys never saying whether the experiments work or not but then use a chimp. Now that's just not right. They would first need a positive result to continue. Next they chop off a chimps arm to regrow one and remove his eye. So he's got all sorts of drugs in his system right? This is supposed to be real science. Next some girl with approval adds more experimental drugs to counteract some tumors on the chimp. That is NOT the way experiments are done. That's unprofessional. Only one drug and they should have other subjects etc. Ever hear of a control subject, Homer? So I'm unhappy with the chimp mutilation esp. without knowing other testing was positive and worked. This is why scientists have a bad reputation. Not just "they don't care about the animals" they don't even prove one thing before moving on? ASSES.


  1. Interesting book reviews! I don't read a lot of fiction and your * and ** and *** remind me why. Still, I thought The Lost Symbol review hit the nail on the head... and what's this about men don't read much? btw GSD's are the greatest.

  2. Thanks for the comment.
    OK! It's been my experience that men I meet haven't read a current fiction novel since like high school. I should have stressed FICTION! :)
