Thursday, May 27, 2010

WHERE THE DEAD LAY by David Levien **

Started it. About boxing or fighting. "Yay" she moaned dully from her box in hell.
So some gym rat dies and some other gym rat shall track down the killers. Meanwhile there's a group of -ex cons? more gym rats? Related brother gang? About every word out of their mouth I have no clue what it means. Am struggling thru their street slang crapola.

I finished it up. It's about a family of over-built steroidal men trying to cash in on whatever the fuck a pea house is. I dunno and it's only explained as something like bingo but one number wins? WTF. Anyways so our hero ex-cop is a huge meathead with a girlfriend who's knocked up but he once had a son and wife? or girlfriend? one never really knows and a child who somehow killed himself with the ex-cop hero's gun. You never ever find out at what age, who was responsible, how that went down. And the way it's written ya don't really care.

There's a lot of innuendo and no answers at the end. You only get suggestions of endings and surmises. Personally I would have passed after I started on the boxing/kick fighting/ju jitsu crap but it's a holiday weekend and I only got one other unread book.

Sucked for me.

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