Wednesday, February 29, 2012

ONE DOG NIGHT by David Rosenfelt ***

Story is about a lawyer defending an innocent guy. You got your minimum courtroom scenes, lots of murder to hide the real reason people are being framed and killed for a fire that killed 26 poeple 6 yrs ago. Lots of people, judges, lawyers, etc are involved in the badness which has something to do with some land and a mine on the land. I'm at the part where they loaded the underground crap onto a truck and are about ready to ship it. The verdict hasn't come in yet on the not guilty party.
Lots of people, FBI, reg. cops, lawyers and all his friends, some nice doggies and lots of murder. There was always a lot going on. Andy Carpenter gets laid by his wife about nightly which would put him above average on the sex scale but they're not married, only been together for a long time. I don't know. Anyways it was so so. If I missed picking it up at the library I wouldn't have been disappointed or anything. It was something to read but it took awhile before I cared about what I was reading.
Ok library find. Well written, no past crap to contend with from previous books so I liked that about it.
Your turn.

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