Saturday, March 6, 2010

NIGHTWALKER by Heather Graham ***

This writer is a romance writer wannabe. The two main characters meet, stare, feel their connection as if the world isn't right without the other one. True love! Anyway there's an analogy "losing the roll of the dice was like losing her soul" a little dramatic?  The female is quite the liar for awhile, but she's basically a Barbie.
The premise of this is ghosts. She sees them, her not quite Native American grandfather sees them, her boyfriend works finding them and has a ghost hanging around with him thruout the book. BOO

The start is some cowboy saloon scene with over 10 characters in less than 16 pages and since it's the beginning, you have no connection to anyone, learning names seems like an exercise in futility. Then the character is rolling dice on a craps table where of course she's losing her soul every roll, but between rolls you get flashbacks and history and blahblahblah. 

I'm almost half way thru it and it's not horrid, gives ok descriptions, things sometimes flow along naturally but the stupid romance is bothersome with them goo goo eyeing each other, finally they have sex and whoppee. Not a big deal, not very hot either. 

Continuing on.....some anomalies: dead guy's last meal from the coroner "steak and potatoes"  then a later comment, "Not a vegetable in 24 hrs". Call me crazy but I thought potatoes were veggies. A ghost relates the story of his death saying he can't remember the rest (he died) but 'heard' about it, or 'read' about it. LOL He's a GHOST.

Overcoming the suspension of disbelief it's not unreadable but if it's supposed to be a ghost story, it's lacking. If it's supposed to be a romance, I've read better. If it's supposed to be some kind of mystery she sure ain't Agatha.

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