Tuesday, June 29, 2010

CUT, PASTE, KILL by Marshall Karp ****

Not bad reading at all. Light and somewhat humorous. I say somewhat because it's sort of glib and superficial sounding. Everybody's a comedian. It would be nice for different characters to have a different personality but these are all similar attitude, humor and tone. NTTAWWT but I'm not on board.

Good mystery here because I'm interested in the solution and happily plod along with the bad jokes. It's about a scrap booking vigilante serial killer. A white haired female killer who uses ping pong balls and cats to select at random the person to be done in.

One quibble I have is about the dog fighting. Anyone who dog fights doesn't have their dogs loose with each other because there would only be one dog left in the yard. A very bloody one. They're all kept separated by chains, fencing, kennels or whatever. In this story a pack of pit bulls broke out of a fenced yard and attacked someone. Not possible. Packs of pit bulls on 'steriods' as stated, trained for fighting would never be allowed near each other. Sorry. I did animal control and dealt with a pit bull fighting task force. Some tiny bits of realism are called for.

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