The story began with a blind girl, Kendra, who had gotten her sight back yet had other higher perceptions and senses she had relied on in the past who then becomes part of a police investigation, like a consultant on serial cases. This case was about some people smuggling a toxic material to another country and lots of bodies were left in the wake. She worked with a cop named Lynch, who talks her into helping because her old boyfriend, Jeff, is missing and she will feel compelled to help him to find the boyfriend.
She does a good job using other senses to make determinations, some small areas were boring or repetitive but in general the book was well worth the time to read. It's fast paced, hard to put down and keeps you wondering where you're going with Kendra. Her best friend gets seriously wounded and is in the hospital. As with every murder mystery I ever read people are so wounded or damaged they can never help the cops with any ID's or any info. Either they were so traumatized, or someone grabbed them in the dark or from behind so most living victims are useless in most murders.Neighbors rarely notice anything or hear anything.
I would get it at the library, it's a good find.
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