It was a sort of good story but in the beginning Ms. Protagonist Alex Cooper is in France with her new boyfriend and gets a call after only a short weekend or something to come home to some major event in NY where they just cannot continue the case without her.
She gets there and all kinds of other people have taken over the case. She does not one frickin thing the entire book till near the end when she goes to court to correct errors the first prosecutor made. And at the end, that story doesn't end. To be continued. Did the guy rape the maid or not. Who the fuck knows. I don't and I read the entire book, shouldn't I get rewarded for putting up with all that shit by knowing the end??
Meantime her boyfriend has no clue people are smuggling coke or drugs thru his wine bottles. That's the big deal of the story. I don't even know why I continued to read it. He seemed rather stupido if you ask me. And Alex with all her admirers didn't do a damn thing throughout the novel but eat drink and be merry. Didn't care for it at all. Lee Child liked it good for him, wonder if he read the stupid thing. Pointless.
Not only that but you have to put up with lots of history lessons. Not interested in history of bars. Sorry too many history b.s. and bored me forcing me to skip pages and pages.
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