A sort of cop story with too many characters, and an absurd job where some chick Ann goes around looking at murders, makes up a story about them and comes to her conclusion, moves on the the next town or case. Haha. So some guy Paul Falcon is a real cop of some kind and they have a mutual friend.
Paul asks the mutual friend about Ann, like is she married etc and one of the questions this dork asks her is if she slept with anyone. AS IF the friend REALLY knows the answer to this question. He says no. Haha again.
So their main objective is to find a 'hit girl' who has sort of quit after her 30 dead guys. Ann is also a writer who writes love/god novels. So let me tell you there is a lot of religion in this mix of crap and you get to read all about it. Not real forensic work is done by anyone in the story. They're mostly there to fall in love and find this one killer by telling stories about it.
Good luck getting thru it. I'm not all that eager to continue. Probably won't cuz hitting up library today for refills.
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