Pretty fast paced story begins with a cop, Jerry who hires a girl, Danny and they're trying to convict a girl Abby for murder because she and her boyfriend Ethan killed a lot of people, I suppose in book one. I hate series. I obviously read this one out of order which is why I hate them.
Meantime some flaws: The killer tells the cops where a body is but the cops must return the next day a Sunday to talk to the killer to get the info. Since when do cops obey killers? Duh.
Jerry's employee Danny worked at the jail where Abby is....o geez no she's not in any way involved in Abby and her killing. Nope. DUH.
So Jerry knows one of the CO's at the prison is screwing Abby yet doesn't do anything about it or tell anyone. The CO is helping her get cell phones etc. and how come in jail you can have a remote and earplugs and a TV in your cell? What kinda prison is this? Supposedly the hardcore one cuz eventually Abby gets moved to one where she can escape and she does...SURPRIZE.
Why didn't the call girl service (Estelle) know that everytime someone went to Jeramiah's room they ended up never coming back again? They were in the paper DEAD or missing. She dumb or what? She just keeps sending girls out to be killed. Very nice. Brainless.
I also don't understand why the bus driver removed the handcuffs during the ride from one prison to another. Not a very good move right? Stupid. So I found a lot of "WTF"s going on. And if there is a series 3 of these books remind me not to read it. I hate when killers get away and keep killing. It's not like this writer is anywhere near as good as Dexter series and he usually has the same main characters with DIFFERENT killers. Not the same ones. Don't like that. Catch killer end of story. Continue new story another day. Hate repeat repeat and more repeat of same crazed looney bin killer.
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